arcs energy
The ARCS Reactor removes toxic gas compounds – Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides and Hydrocarbons – from the emissions of combustion engines and converts them into Oxygen.
How the ARCS Reactor works
The ARCS Reactor fits onto the exhaust pipe of an automotive vehicle.
The toxic exhaust fumes emitted from the combustion engine go into a microwave cavity.
Low levels of targeted microwave electromagnetic forces (around 45W) are used within the cavity to create a reaction.
The oxides of Carbon and Nitrogen experience elemental dissociation and coalescent reconstruction to form Oxygen. This reconstruction is determined by the process parameters.
We can demonstrate our technology on a video online, if you are interested please enter your details on the contact page and we will send you details.
ARCS Energy Ltd owns the intellectual property surrounding the ARCS Reactor. It has the proprietary technology around the physics of fluid dynamics and electromagnetic energy. It has patents and claims cleared for publication in the US, Europe and Asia.

Registered limited company
(Company No: 08939349)
Registered office:
20 Peterborough Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2BQ
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