arcs energy
About Us
ARCS Energy Ltd, a technology and innovation company, has been researching, developing, patenting and lab testing the revolutionary ARCS Reactor since 2010.




The ARCS Reactor is the culmination of over 20 years dedicated work by entrepreneurial engineer Tony Archer. Tony Archer has pioneered the use of microwave non-thermal low energy techniques in removing pollutant gases from the exhausts of combustion engines. Early models of the reactor were manufactured by his company Archer Research.
Year Experience in Research & Development
Tony Archer Founder and CTO
Tony Archer has served a distinguished career in the field of mechanical engineering and innovation. He is a Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. He has worked in engineering and product development at ICI, Packman Research and Valve Technologies Inc.
His main area of research and development interests are microwave energy pollution control, energy reflux amplification and the design and construction of new era, non-thermal low energy reactors.
Joe Hanberry Founder and Commercial Director
A Chartered Certified Accountant with significant experience and expertise drawn from the private client arena, energy and renewables sector and development and roll-out of businesses and platforms.
For the past 12 years Joe’s particular interest has been emissions reduction technologies and he has gained a deep knowledge of the platforms and the major players residing in this clean technology space. He has been leading the development of the company’s commercial strategy since formation and is a founding shareholder.

Registered limited company
(Company No: 08939349)
Registered office:
20 Peterborough Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2BQ
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